Family celebrations

A stay at our hotel is an ideal choice for those looking for a place conducive to relaxation, full of cordiality and intimate atmosphere, distinguished by the highest quality of services and exceptional hospitality.
  • Family gatherings - hotel restaurant weddings Warsaw

    Are you organizing a family celebration and looking for the perfect place to celebrate it? Villa Estera is an excellent choice! Our wedding houses near Warsaw offer a unique atmosphere, conducive to relaxation and intimacy, making family celebrations a pleasant event.
  • A stay at our hotel is a guarantee of the highest quality service and exceptional hospitality.

    Our staff will take care of every detail to make your stay comfortable. We will meet the expectations of even the most demanding guests. Wedding halls near Warsaw are decorated to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere, ideal for celebrating important moments in the life of the family.
An offer to suit everyone - wedding reception warsaw
Whatever the occasion, our hotel offer will cater to a variety of needs for family celebrations. Intimate meetings with loved ones or larger parties - Villa Estera is the perfect place for you. With us, each celebration will take on a unique character, and you will be able to concentrate on celebrating and spending time together with your family.

For the love of details - wedding reception warsaw
Villa Estera is more than just a space for family celebrations. It is a place where every celebration becomes an unforgettable event, and guests can enjoy unique moments spent with their loved ones. By choosing our wedding house Pruszkow offer, you choose elegance, professionalism and attention to every detail.

Villa Estera

331 Jerozolimskie Avenue, Reguła 05-816 Michałowice k/Warszawa
GPS coordinates52°10'25''N, 20°51'14''E52.173683N, 20.854081E


Banquets weddings
fax +48 22 753 62 34

Hotel rooms
tel. 022 723 11 68


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